Getting startedΒΆ

This is a short tutorial on how to use accern python library for new users. You can see complex usage in API.

  1. Contact and inquire about an Accern API token.
  2. To quickly start using the Accern API, create an API instance and pass your token:
from accern import API
token = 'YOUR TOKEN'
Client = API(token)
  1. Pass params to get filtered data and make an API request.
schema = {
    'filters': {
        'entity_ticker': 'AAPL'
resp = Client.request(schema)
  1. Specify the fields that your are looking for in the data and filter the results.
schema = {
    'select': [
            'field': 'entity_industry'
        }, {
            'field': 'entity_ticker'
        }, {
            'field': 'entity_relevance'
resp = Client.request(schema)